Welcome to Pools 4 Us
Pools 4 Us have gone above and beyond to find and use the best quality manufacturing materials for swimming pool moulds available in South Africa. Yes, you can check up on this statement…
We use modern and advanced methods that are currently used extensively in the USA and Australia. These methods not only ensures a strong and durable swimming pool in your backyard but also the most reliable installation guaranteeing a longer lasting pool shell. No spidey cracks or topsy-turvy moulds will leave our factory.
We offer various installation packages to suit your pocket, even allowing you to add additional steps and bays to the swimming pools shell. This means that your pool will be uniquely yours, shaped to fit perfectly into your yard, maximising your swimming potential.
Here you will be able to see all our available shapes that Pools4Us have available and all the additional extras you can add. We also offer you a 3D image of what the pool would look like, installed, after you have made your preference selections. This way, you will have a good idea of what the swimming pool will look like before making your final decision!
Contact Pools4Us today for an estimation and consultation on the best quality manufactured swimming pool for ideal summer relaxation!